MuseThemes Blog
Member Update - November 2016
It's time to take a look ahead and give our members some insight into upcoming projects and priorities! Here's a quick recap of benefits added to your membership over the last month, and an outline of our plans for November 2016.
Member Update - October 2016
It's time to take a look ahead and give our members some insight into upcoming projects and priorities! Here's a quick recap of benefits added to your membership over the last month, and an outline of our plans for October 2016.
Member Update - September 2016
Thanks for being a part of the MuseThemes community! We thought it might be valuable to share with you some of the upcoming projects we are working on in September, and recap the benefits we added to your membership over the last month.
State of the Union - Responsive Update
It’s been a few crazy weeks since the responsive version of Muse dropped, and we wanted to do a quick recap of what the team is working on, what we’ve learned since the release, and a few other tips, tricks and important announcements.
Adobe Muse Responsive - New MuseThemes Products & Pricing

It’s been a long 4 months since Adobe announced responsive design was coming to Adobe Muse. Our entire team has been working day and night (consuming only coffee and cookies) preparing some very exciting new things for you all. Let's take a look at new products, training, and even new pricing options.
Our Favorite Adobe Muse Themes of 2015
Great News! Our Forum No Longer Sucks.
Since the launch of the forum, it has grown quicker than we could have ever imagined. Users are helping solve problems, showing off new site designs, and sharing inspirational ideas. Along with the growth, we've discovered many ways in which our forum just wasn't making the grade. See how we're changing all that...
MuseThemes Turns Four – Time to Reflect
We can barely believe it – MuseThemes turned four years old this week. MuseThemes founder Steve Harris took some time to reflect on how the business started, and how a small site transformed into a bustling ecommerce business helping over 50,000 designers do more with Muse.
Check out the new and improved!
You talked and we listened! Based on valuable feedback from our members, we've revamped the entire website, bringing some exciting new features and powerful, intuitive upgrades. We think you'll love the new look and feel, and will be as excited as we are for what's headed your way!
Top 10 Adobe Muse Widgets by
Toolbox Widgets are a collection of hand built custom coded widgets by MuseThemes. We are always striving to push the boundaries of what is Muse is capable of, and the Toolbox collection is the result. This article highlights our top 10 most popular Toolbox Widgets.