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Announcing Our New Venture!


We're very excited to introduce a new project that our team has been planning and building behind the scenes at MuseThemes. We’ve created a new web design tool and training site focused on one goal: building websites without writing code, and without limitations.

Our new website is called:
Without Code  –

Without Code gives us the ability to share all of the knowledge and experience we have in no-code web design platforms outside of Muse. These include Shopify, WordPress, as well as an exciting customized website builder and content management system, which will be available exclusively to our members.


A Platform for Code Free Website Creation

Over a year ago we began to see a trend – many of our customers were forced to use website creation tools other than Muse to take advantage of more powerful functionality, such as blogging, ecommerce, and password protection. We believe in using the correct tool for the job, and since no single website builder can do everything, our journey into platform independence began.

After conducting focus groups with customers in December 2017, we realized that our customers were struggling to use these alternative platforms. They needed a resource site like MuseThemes to lean on – there’s nothing quite like having a trusted developer or designer in your back pocket to help when you need it!

We realized we could be adding a lot more value to your membership.

Our extensive experience with alternative website builders like Shopify – the MuseThemes core website is built on Shopify – could be easily captured and offered to our members. We are dying to show you how to build a powerful site like MuseThemes, complete with professional blogs, forums, and recurring billing ecommerce – all without writing any code (we’ll handle that part for you).


Business as Usual at MuseThemes

Muse will always be our first true love, and business at MuseThemes will carry on as always. Without Code is a new addition to our company, not a replacement, and a single membership will give you access to all of our MuseThemes resources and Without Code website creation tools.

Muse is an amazing tool for creating sites visually, but we all know it’s lacking in functionality and flexibility. The “Mucow” system in Muse (what we use to build widgets) hasn’t been updated in several years, and we’re butting up against the limits of how far we can push the platform while maintaining stability.

With our in-house development and design teams, combined with a new platform to help share our knowledge, we can help guide you down the best path for your personal or client sites. And you can rely on us to remove many of the obstacles you may encounter as a non-coder. 


How Does Without Code Membership Work?

Membership pricing and billing details will be available as soon as we finish development and launch the complete site. MuseThemes memberships can be quickly transferred to Without Code, so that you can access both content libraries along with our new tools. Previous MuseThemes members will also be able to use our new resources and website creation tools at a significant VIP discount. 

We sincerely appreciate your many years of loyalty and support, and we intend to reward you for it!


Well I’m Excited!

Us too! Over the next few weeks and months we’ll begin rolling out our new Without Code product lines and demonstrating the power of our new tools and resources. As always, thanks for being an awesome MuseThemes member and for helping us grow this new area of our business.


Steve Harris

Steve Harris
Steve Harris / Calgary, Canada

Steve Harris started MuseThemes in 2011 and steadily grew the company, going from a full-time corporate employee to being his own boss. More than just MuseThemes, Steve is a conference speaker, author, and holds equally large collections of both business books and fine scotch.


Daniel Maier
Daniel Maier

My experience has shown that you can never really invest all your love in something as long as there is something else, I’m really considering if I should renew my account

Steve @ MuseThemes
Steve @ MuseThemes

@Daniel, I’m really sorry to hear that. We feel that this is an important step in the evolution of our business, and our goal is to increase the value of your membership significantly. We’ve got some really exciting products on the horizon, and I hope you’ll stay with us to see what’s in store. Cheers ~SH


I’m shocked. I am very sorry that my biggest source about Adobe Muse has passed another program. There are big projects I have done with Adobe Muse, and you change if you want to :( Are you sure you will not have Adobe Muse related updates? I’m a bit disappointed.

stuart fraser
stuart fraser

I think thats a positive step! Muse is very good but I think its important to explore and push boundaries, particularly as Muse has some limitations that are hampering designers…I for one am really excited about seeing what you have in store! Keep up the good work Steve.

Ewhyn Debrosse
Ewhyn Debrosse

I’m really excited to see this new aspect of your business. I’m a Muse lover and see it’s current limitations (which is why I have delved into WP for some added functionality). Nevertheless, my design platform will continue to be Muse.
Cheers Steve and Muse-Themes team!

Heather Smit
Heather Smit

I love Muse, but there are so many limitations, for example the form, mobile platform, etc. I really hope your Without Code will be a cut above the rest. Are you planning to offer a trial period. If it works, I am on board!

Steve Harris
Steve Harris

@Stuart @Ewhyn: thank you so much for your comments! We can’t wait to show you what we’ve been working on ;)

Jeff Parnau
Jeff Parnau

What’s the schedule? Do you have any screen shots? Specs? Muse has worked for me, but as others mentioned, its limitations are difficult to overcome.

jomsito melendez
jomsito melendez

The worrying thing is that Muse Themes has many limitations, personally I have to resolve other muse sites that offer what you do not …

It would be interesting if MuseThemes had everything in one place … for example:
- For about two years, your competition already has converters from muse to WP
- Your competition for years have Widget that you do not have
and so on several limitations.

My suggestion would be that all of us who have just renewed the membership in this 2018, we were automatically part of that VIP benefit, in the end we are the ones who try the products and we are saying how good and bad it may be, in the end we are those we disclose to others who are members of muse themes, in the end we are the ones who use web tools to give solutions to customers.

Luca Signorelli
Luca Signorelli

well, I wait for you with great interest

Edward Corrado
Edward Corrado

Tell me we will be able to use our own hosting company with this service.

Detlef Rafalski
Detlef Rafalski

I am very curious to know whether it is a method to generate more profit for your company or whether your customers also have a profit from it. We’ll probably find out soon enough. Incidentally, the competitors are not asleep.

John Folkmann
John Folkmann

Well, well. Today I actually cancelled my membership with MuseThemes after being a member since 2011. My reason was not the lack of development effort on behalf of the Musethemes, but entirely on Adobe Muse. I feel that Muse has not been given any enthusiastic push the last couple of years and quite frankly, Muse is lacking behind the competitors in a lot of areas – especially the lack of a proper CMS has become a huge problem for me and my customers. Reluctantly I am now focussing on WP development. But this news could persuade me back. I’m looking forward to see what comes next!

Scott Citron
Scott Citron

Hi Steve: I’m intrigued by the promise of your upcoming WO project. Recently I completed a large-ish website in Muse and was reminded of my love/hate relationship with this software. If you’ve got viable web-authoring alternatives that don’t require coding, I’m all in. Good luck with this new venture, and I eagerly await its arrival.

Virginia Bledsoe
Virginia Bledsoe

Very excited about this! I build sites in Adobe Muse but also in Wordpress and Shopify. As a loan freelancer, it would be nice to have a resource like this and I will definitely use it.

Joseph DePinho
Joseph DePinho

Looking forward to the unveiling and thanks for all the great work.

Kalle Erkkilä
Kalle Erkkilä

Ok, this is interesting. I love Muse, but it has its limitations. Will W/C include integration tools with Shopify? CMS sounds good, much needed. A decent blog tool also.

When will this be published? I have to recommend a major move for our CEO in the near future.

Linda SW
Linda SW

Another awesome project: create a simple membership management tool for small non-profits. The cost of commercially available systems is beyond most non-profits. One that I deal with is now jumping from $70 to $90/month. (Way too much functionality for basic groups, but you have to pay for it anyway). Basic need: sharing member contact info with others members via the group website.
PS- love your new idea


Will the sites created on woCode have to be hosted on a specific server/service the way Wix works? Or can we build the site and export so the client can host wherever they wish?

Rick R.
Rick R.

Let’s do this!


I’m having some mixed feelings about this new venture. But I’m greeting it with an open mind. However, and I hope I won’t be considered as a miser, I personally feel that your faithful members should have the first year free access to the new platform for at least as long as our current memberships last. Or without any extra charge for existing members. Because keeping in mind that I have Muse included in my cloud account, that there are a number of CMS available free of charge etc. You can hardly ask us to pay to jump with you in the bath. Musegain offers musexpress also free of charge to its members.


Hi there thanks for the update on your future plans. I am a member since 2014 and forgive me if I misunderstand but it seems as if there will be additional fees with this switch. Just wondering …

Barbara G.
Barbara G.

With few exceptions you are my go to for problem solving. Your timing is uncanny — always coming out with something that supports my needs — typically within a week of a project start date. I couldn’t do what I do without you and am thrilled to hear about this new venture. Waiting with open arms for more details! Many thanks.

Ellen Storeim
Ellen Storeim

I’m on your side all the way! Best wishes for your continued success—I’m confident it will have an amazing trickle-down effect. Can’t wait!


I´m very excited about this! Good news.
Will your new system be able to export code? Please remember that many our customers already have their own hosting service and would not accept a new one.


Thanks for this – timing couldn’t be better. With you all the way.

Barbara Ingram
Barbara Ingram

I’ve been with MuseThemes for years, and I am thrilled to hear that you are growing and expanding to fit the ever-changing world of web design. Our agencies are changing as well, and it’s great to know that we can continue to count on MuseThemes as a trusted partner on this journey forward. We have always benefited from your knowledge and support and I’m glad to hear that you are exploring additional options to Muse (as are we). We will continue using Muse for a particular client niche, but It’s comforting to know that we can count on your team to develop other options. Can’t wait to see it!

Donald Saul
Donald Saul

I am quite concerned. My situation is that I was in IT for 30 years but never did anything web-related. I needed to design some simple sites for several non-profits I worked with, so I researched site-building tools for over 2 years. They came and went. FINALLY, Adobe built Muse; it was perfect for me, and with Adobe’s deep pockets I assumed it would be around for a looooonnnnggg time. With Muse Themes on top, I felt I could do anything I needed, for time ad infinitum. Now, “Without Code” will be a direct competitor for Muse. You say you will continue supporting and building Muse widgets, but as a business, you will eventually drop your “love” for the one to pursue your love of the other.


Wonderful news! Please provide a timeline

John H.
John H.

Unfortunately…I believe Muse is about dead. Poor customer support, stability and slow response to attend to fixes…just poor attitude to criticism.

Glenn Conroy
Glenn Conroy

Nice work Steve. Very exciting! My sincere hope for you and all Musers is that this one works out. Let’s not mention ‘Agent’ . . .


Great news, can’t wait to see what you come up with.

Doug Brandt
Doug Brandt

Omigosh Omigosh Omigosh… I am SUPER excited for you, Steve! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help — would love to be a part of this. This is AWESOME!

David Claghorn
David Claghorn

This sounds great. Big questions is how soon can we use this new product you are offering. I’m already a member, so can I tweak my membership so I can participate? Thanks for the great news.

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