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Parallax Backgrounds

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Parallax Backgrounds Highlights

This tool responds to the movement of the user's mouse to create parallax motion in fullscreen backgrounds or placed images. Control depth and motion settings for effects ranging from subtle to powerful. This widget also has a trick up it's sleeve use it in your mobile or tablet designs for an effect that responds to movements detected by the device's accelerometer. In other words, simply tilting a device with a built-in accelerometer (such as an iPhone) will create parallax motion in your website design.

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Commonly Asked Questions

When I use this widget for backgrounds, why do I see beyond the edge of the image?

Try keeping your 'depth' setting below .5

How did you create the bubbles and spinning movement in the advanced demo?

We added video with our Full Width Videos widget, and also used our Rotating Animations widget on the lettuce and tomato elements

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