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Dropdown List

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Dropdown List Highlights

This widget allows users to easily create functional dropdown lists and menus within Adobe Muse websites. Lists are designed to expand into as many sublists as needed, allowing for neat and tidy organization of large amounts of information and numerous links. Use our default hamburger style nav button or your own custom button to launch the lists - which can be set up to be explored by either click or hover. With full control of color, list item icons, and animations, this clever widget is sure to compliment your site!

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Commonly Asked Questions

How many levels of sublists can I use?

As many as you like - it's infinite!

How do I link to internal pages within my own website?

In the "Link URL" field, simply enter the actual internal page name + "html". So if the page you would like to link to is titled "about", enter "about.html". No need to use http://. 

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