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Great News! Our Forum No Longer Sucks.

We take a lot of pride in our products and community, and our forum wasn't making the grade. So we took a step back, and rebuilt it from the ground up on a new platform. The new version feels and looks more like a traditional BB forum - why mess with a good thing?



Finding Answers
- A powerful new search system makes finding answers easy

- Diverse categories to encourage conversation (including off-topic areas)

- More control over profiles, pictures, signatures and badges, so your personality can shine through


A great forum isn't possible without great users like yourself. We'd like to invite all of our members and friends to jump in, and help us build a community where you can get to know other designers, post sites and chat Muse. 

Of course the MuseThemes team will be hanging out too - probably sharing memes, discussing Star Wars and testing out new products (sneak peeks?). 

We look forward to getting to know you better!
-Team MuseThemes




*Important note - to reduce the potential for spam we did not transfer user accounts and content from our previous forum. Start fresh in our new community and register a new account here:

Steve Harris
Steve Harris / Calgary, Canada

Steve Harris started MuseThemes in 2011 and steadily grew the company, going from a full-time corporate employee to being his own boss. More than just MuseThemes, Steve is a conference speaker, author, and holds equally large collections of both business books and fine scotch.

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